Misc. Temple University Items

Misc. Temple University Items

This and That

Some Temple University Links

Here is an e-mail from Mike Biel to Gerry Wilkinson.......

I took a look at the SCAT site and read the history page. Had a giggle with this: "Radio-Television-Film was organized as an instructional unit in 1947 and extensive film offering were added in 1967." Extensive film offering in 1967????? Talk about revisionist history. Perhaps they were right in using the singular of "offering" because in my four years they only offered one lone film course. There were a bunch of film classes in the catalog but they never offered them. Then during registration in either the fall of 67 or the spring of 68--my last year--Dr. Dusenbery came up to me and said "Mike, we FINALLY have that film course you've been asking for." And then we discoverd that it was offered only opposite Roberts' Program Planning and Building course, a required course. So, no film class. Extensive my Aunt Tillie.

From Gerry Wilkinson..... I took that course. You didn't miss a thing. You had to supply your own camera and film, which you didn't know until after you were in the class. Then the school kept the film for the archives. (What archives?)

This is the WRTI Old Gang Web Site!