Russ Bomberger
His Story
The following is an e-mail from Russ Bomberger to Gerry Wilkinson (6/30/99)
As a semi-retired geezer, I don't have an up-to-date resume showing what
I've been doing since WRTI, so a scan from _Who's Who in America_ will have to
do. It follows:
BOMBERGER, RUSSELL BRANSON, lawyer, writer; b. Lebanon, PA, May 1, 1934; s.
John Mark and Viola (Aurentz) B; divorced; children--Ann Elizabeth, Jane
Carmel. B.S., Temple U., 1955; M.A, U. Iowa. 1956; M.A., U. So. Calif., 1961;
Ph.D., U. Iowa, 1962; LLB., J.D, LaSalle U.; grad., U.S. Marine Corps Command
and Staff Coll, 1987, U.S. Naval War Coll., 1991. Bar: Calif. 1970, US
Supreme Ct, 1975. Mem. editorial staff
Phila.Inquirer,1952-54;lectr.U.Iowa,1955-57, U.So.Calif., 1957-58; asst. prof.
U. S. Naval Postgrad. Sch, Monterey, Calif, 1958-62; assoc. prof... 1963-75,
Prof. 1975-89; prof. emeri-tus, 1989--; practice law, 1970--; free lance
writer, 1952--, communications cons. 1963--; safety cons. Internat’l program,
U. So. Calif. Inst. Safety and Systems Mgmt., 1983--; cons. lnternat'l Ctr.
for Aviation Safety, Lisbon, 1984--. Author: (novel) The Alternate Candidate,
(broadcast series) The World of Ideas, (motion picture) Strokes and Stamps,
(stage play) Closely Held; abstracter-editor: Internat. Transactional
Analysis Assn. Capt. USNR, 1966-94. Decorated Meritorious Civilian Svc.
medal, 1989; Am. Psychol. Found. Fellow Columbia U, 1954-55. KNXT-CBS Fellow
U. So. Calif., 1957-58. Office: P.O. Box 8741 Monterey, CA 93953-8741.
According to a Fall 1956 WRTI program guide, at that time, Russ was News Director for WSUI in Iowa City, Iowa.