Bill Koshelnyk
His Story
Photo of Bill Koshelnyk taken in 1997.
Bill was Program Director for WRTI-FM (September 1968 to May 1969) during my last half-year at Temple University. I served as his Production Director during the first semester until my graduation. Then in December, Gary Torresani took over.
Click on the photos to see a larger version of the picture.
The above pictures are all from the 1969 edition of Templar, the Temple University yearbook, who has given me their kind permission to reproduce the photos on this site.
Photo 1 is Bill doing (or more likely pretending to do for the photo) a show on WRTI operating the brand new console. It was pretty slick for 1968.
Photo 2 is Bill's yearbook photo. It was pretty slick for 1969.
Photo 3 is (Left to Right) Bill Koshelnyk is the background. With John Feldman, Technical Director showing something (or pretending) to Jerry Klein, Operations Manager (the Yearbook referred to him as Student Station Manager). By the way, look carefully at Bill in this picture. Doesn't he look like he's waiting for a bus or something. It was a pretty slick place to wait for a bus.
The following was an e-mail from Bill Koshelnyk to Gerry Wilkinson.......
What to my wondering eyes should appear but a letter from one of my old cronies at WRTI. Amazing!
Great to hear from you, and how marvelous to see you trying to get everyone together. I checked out the web site. It was a kick to see so many vaguely familiar, if somewhat aged, faces.
How did you ever track me down? I haven't been on Compuserve for over three years, since I worked for Hillsdale College. The wonders of the web, no doubt, and the wiles of the ever-resourceful "Wily Waterford."
I would be very interested in getting back in touch, with the folks you've already contacted plus a couple of others, specifically, Bob Kassi and Norman Fink (who later changed his name to Norman Marcus).
I have had an wildly checkered career in advertising and public relations. My eight-year stint at Hillsdale College was as Director of Public Affairs. Currently, I am a freelance writer and consultant, working primarily for colleges and other nonprofit organizations, with a smattering of commercial clients.
On the personal side, I married Kathy Lang (whom I met at Temple) in 1969. We have two children: Judy, age 23, and Dan, age 20. We have lived in Levittown, Pennsylvania, Hightstown and Kendall Park, New Jersey, San Jose, California, Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Hillsdale, Michigan.
Over the years, I've been involved in Christian music. And I am currently attempting to market a series of novels. In fact, I'm searching for a literary agent. Are any of our old comrades in that field, or is there anybody who knows anybody? I need all the help I can get.
It certainly appears that you've had an interesting series of involvements in the world of broadcasting (along with a record store?). And you seem to have a happy family life. That is very gratifying.
Let me know what your plans are for on-line reunions or other further contacts. Incidentally, you might be interested in getting in touch with Mary Beth Regan, my partner on "Saturday," the weekly, magazine-format show I did during senior year. If you haven't tracked her down, the latest information I have is that she has an apartment in Manhattan.
MaryBeth is a very successful theater costume stitcher, working with top Broadway shows. If you track her down, send her my love.
And do pass my warmest regards on to all. It's a joy to hear friendly voices from the past. You're attempting to do a wonderful thing. I look forward to seeing how your project develops.
PS: well as a house in New Jersey:
Bill Koshelnyk
An interesting footnote: I moved to San Jose in 1976, and happened to be dialing across the radio band, when I heard an announcer named Gary T. Torrisani. Now, how many Gary T. Torrisanis could there be working in radio? I called the station (the call letters of which I have long since forgotten), and spoke with the one and only Gary T. Torresani from WRTI. We took a brief stroll down memory lane, and talked about getting together, which of course, never happened. Isn't that just like life? Perhaps your efforts at reunion will be more successful.
The following was an e-mail from Bill Koshelnyk to Gerry Wilkinson, sent on 1/24/98.......By the way, what's happening with Ed Sciaky? Was he assigned to the sister station? Has there been any protests of his firing to WMMR? I sent an e-mail myself. (Thanks, but so far...nothing has happened.)
I have a special sympathy for those of you who find yourselves unemployed. I was sacked from Hillsdale College about three years ago. A very political situation.
Keep on keepin' on. Good luck to both you and Ed. Send him my regards, next time you're in touch with him. Ask him if he remembers the voice-over job he did for me years ago when I was at Dow Jones.
Bill's Business Site (added 9/15/98)
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