Uncle Joe Loverro

His Story

The following is an e-mail from Uncle Joe Loverro to Gerry Wilkinson (4/18/00)...OK to post my info. I always like to hear from old friends and such. There is a current photo of me on our website at www.wqqq.com. I'll get some stuff together for you and be in touch. There is also a little bio of me on the station website.

FROM THE WQQQ WEBSITE...Joe is Q103's evening personality. He joined the radio station in 1995 after serving as General Manager of WPIE in Ithica, NY. Previously, he was GM of WTTM in Trenton, NJ. He began his radio career at WIFI in Philadelphia while attending Temple University. He has been heard on major radio stations such as WPTR and WGNA in Albany as well as WHN in New York. Joe also does commercial voice-over work in New York City. Joe and his wife, Barbara, reside in Sharon and are active in St. Bernard's Church.

There was a previous e-mail. However, it was more than 3 days old. Gerry Wilkinson had the e-mail open and was getting ready to copy and paste it when he got an "AOL has performed an illegal operation" screen and was shut down. When he signed back on, the e-mail was gone. (AOL only saves old mail for three days). We are trying to get Uncle Joe to resend it. We do know, however, that he was involved with WRTI in 1969.