Early (& not so early) WRTI Photos
This section lists photos by year. However, since our site has many, many pictures (and we don't have time to move them), we will only post photos in this section beginning with ones added on or after July 15, 1998.
Thomas Hall, a Photo Memory
This section is meant to preserve the beauty and wonder of this great building. Though the University may have demolished the building in July of 1998, it can't really be gone as long as we remember it. The photos are organized section by section.
Things That Aren't There Anymore
Temple University Edition
Several years ago, Ed Cunningham, an alum from Temple University and WRTI, produced a documentary entitled, "Things That Aren't There Anymore" for the local PBS outlet, WHYY-TV. We've "borrowed" Ed's title and have incorporated it into our site as a "Temple University Edition." This section has information and photos about "things" that are no longer in existence on campus.
Photos, E-mail addresses and the Obits!
Take a look at the Old Gang---their photos and contact information.
Contact Info & Photos, A to Childs
Contact Info & Photos, Cirillo thru Feldman
Contact Info & Photos, Friedman thru Medoff
Contact Info & Photos, Mellman thru Reese
Contact Info & Photos, Regelski thru S
Contact Info & Photos, T thru Z
Read about your old WRTI/SCAT buddies. What are they doing now?
The Obit section has a listing of our departed friends
New Visitors - - Read This!!
We are still trying to contact many who were involved with WRTI. All WRTI and SCAT people are welcome to be listed in our "Contact Information" section. We are especially interested in anyone associated with WRTI when it was a student-run station (1948 to 1969). This site is also looking for photos, documents and other items associated with WRTI and Temple University before 1970. We really would like to hear from you.
The Jerry Klein Annex
hosted by
Jerry Klein has an "Annex" section. There's tons of photos, memorabila and plenty of RealAudio® & RealVideo®.
Also in the Jerry Klein Annex....
The WRTI "Old Gang" Message Board
Read what other people have written and leave your own messages.
For those of you new to this site, don't miss the Jerry Klein Annex. It is a very large section with tons of pictures, audio, video, etc. This certainly should be visited.
Gerry's Golden Goodies
Misc. items from the archive and collection of Gerry Wilkinson. In other words, no one has any idea where else to post this stuff.
A Cyber Tour & History of the University
Gerry Wilkinson has researched and compiled some history about Temple University and its buildings. Thomas Hall was the oldest free- standing structure on campus, with sections of it dating back to 1886.
1998 WRTI "Old Gang" Events
Here, you'll find photos and stories of seven different WRTI "Old Gang" events including our first annual reunion, visits back to campus and a celebration of the 50th anniversary of WRTI.
Conversations with the old SCAT Profs
Bio of Dr. Kenneth Harwood, former SCAT Dean
Some Memories of Dean J. Douglas Perry
Historic Newspaper Articles About Temple
We have uploaded several newspaper articles about historic events at the University. They rang from the opening of the Baptist Temple to FDR dedicating Sullivan Library to Helen Keller's visit.
Check 'em out.
Historic Newspaper Articles About WRTI
We have uploaded several newspaper articles about WRTI and the station's personnel. There are stories about Pixanne, Jane Lessner, Claire Coleman, Chuck Sherman, Doris Elvanian and more. Check 'em out.
Don Whiteley was a student at Lafayete College. He attended a seminar at WRTI and obtained a current copy of the station's rate card. That was in 1949. The actual date on the rate card is October 1, 1948. He sent it to us and here it is.
Don Whiteley was a student at Lafayete College. He attended a seminar at WRTI and obtained a current copy of the station's log. That was in 1949. He sent it to us and here it is.
At our May 1998 reunion, Bob Donze gave Gerry Wilkinson some old scripts to upload. Well, it took 3 months, but they're finished. Anyone with additional information about these scripts, please let us know.
On Audition, the OFFICIAL WRTI Publication
In the fifties, ON AUDITION was a weekly publication of WRTI. By the sixties, it had been turned into the yearly banquet handout. In this section, we will include both versions of ON AUDITION.
Stock's Strange Stuff
Bill Stock sent two packages. One to Gerry Wilkinson and one to Jerry Klein. We have organized some of the items into his own separate section.
Doc's Dazzling Diamonds
In Volume #1, Mike Biel sent in 33 different photos. These are from the mid sixties.
Volume #1 of Doc's Dazzling Diamonds
In Volume #2 called, "Doc's Dazzling Diamonds, Ditto," there are many WRTI items from the fifties.
Doc's Dazzling Diamonds, Ditto
Mike Muderick Madness
Mike has sent us some memorabila. Enough to give him a whole page by himself. There's the WRTI program log, microphone flag and more.
Mike Muderick Memories...Memorabila...Madness
Misc. Memories
Some strange dude from Kentucky who won't give us his real name (as if we couldn't guess), sent in this true story of WRTI and the FCC citation.
Have you ever wondered, "What ever happened to those old WFIL-FM Studio Schoolhouse program?
We Investigated...Here's What We Know!
How is Temple University different now in comparison to 30 years ago by Gerry Wilkinson with assistance by Maya Wilkinson.
Some of This and Some of That
WRTI Trivia Questions...there's currently seven of them. Also some fun with spell check. We put some of our WRTI Old Gang names into some spell check programs. See what they say. Also some WRTI items written in Egyptian.
Trivia Questions & Other Fun Things
WRTI Plaques and Archives....What We Know
E-Mail the current WRTI-FM
If you wish to send electronic correspondence to Mr. Tobias Poole, Station Manager of the current WRTI, here's your chance. Send Them a Message.
The WRTI Old Gang Web Site is not affiliated in any way with WRTI or Temple University.